Film Studies and Cinematography - Project 2

2/10/2019 - 29/11/2019 (Week 6 - Week 14)
Lee Yu Hui | 0335787
Film Studies and Cinematography
Project 2

For our second project, we are required to produce an animation pitch bible, but before doing so, we are required to complete our story and draw our main characters of the short animation. 

Since my story has 3 main characters, I decided to start out by sketching and draw my characters in Photoshop so that I have a clear idea of how my characters look like, and so that the character's appearance stays consistent throughout the story.

For the little girl character Angelica, I knew I wanted her to look innocent and cute to reflect her age and personality, so I started sketching out a few versions of her.

Version 1

Version 2

After showing Mr Mike the character design for the girl, he say that its okay and I can move on to the others, but he reminded me that my character should dress like people in Malaysia, as this is where my story takes place.

Character design for Ruby

As for the old lady, I initially wanted to draw her with a bun up her head, Mr Mike advised me to try some other hairstyles as the bun looks too generic. I then decided to use my grandmother as reference and draw the old lady's hair like so. 

Final Character Design

Moving to the worldview, I initially thought of having the location set in European countries, but Mr Mike suggests that it would be more relatable and refreshing to see the story take place in Malaysia as there are not many films like so. 

Therefore, using my old neighborhood as reference, I drew out the map of the neighborhood and where will things take place.

Simple map of the neighborhood

Reference for the neighborhood

Reference for the neighborhood

First attempt on house drawing

I faced a few issues with the perspective drawing as I am not skilled at it. Fortunately, Mr Mike provided us with a YouTube tutorial to help us better understand perspective drawing to guide us for the environment design.

Video Reference for learning perspective drawing

Final outcome for the environment design

With all the characters and environment done, its time for coloring and compilation. I colored my characters in Photoshop and transfer them to Illustrator for compilation.

Illustrations done in Photoshop

Compilation of Illustrations done

As the storyboard was already done by the time, Mr Mike asks us to also include our storyboard into the pitch bible.


Creating the art bible is a lot of fun and I enjoyed the process of it. Seeing my story slowly comes in really brought me a sense of accomplishment. I felt proud and happy of the end results. I am also grateful that Mr Mike really respects our work and provided us with timely feedback to improve our work. 


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