Animation Fundamentals -Exercise

Lee Yu Hui | 0335787
Animation Fundamentals
Project 3

We started our third project with a flour sack exercise. We first draw out the key movements of the flour sack and gave it a background that we desire before proceeding to animate it.

Flour sack key movements

After we're done with the drawing, we proceeded with the animation. I decided that it would be best we do it in Photoshop, as I could do it frame by frame. 

Outcome of the flour sack

After the exercise we proceeded to do our walk cycle. Each of us are required to come out with a walking style of our own and use it to animate our walk cycle.

I decided to do an arrogant chicken kind of pose, but using a penguin as the character for my walk cycle. I filmed my walk cycle outside the classroom.

Video of me walking

Later, I capture the key movements of my walk cycle and drew it out in Photoshop.

Key movements of the walk cycle.

Drawing the key movements in Photoshop

Before we can proceed, we drew out our character's orthographic and combine them to make it into a turnaround. I drew my character penguin in Photoshop and combined its movement using timeline in photoshop.

Animating in Photoshop

Turnover outcome

After completing the turnover, I drew the skeleton out in Photoshop to match the human movements.

Drawing out the frames according to the key movements

Final Outcome


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