Art Direction - Projects

29/8/2019 - 28/11/2019 (Week 1 - Week 14 )
Lee Yu Hui | 0335787
Art Direction


Week 1 : 29/8/19
For our first class, Mr. Kannan and Miss Anis went through the MIB with us before grouping us into 4 groups. Me, Zoe and Azmina were formed as a group, and we were told to create a short presentation on what art direction is, and its role on different fields. Our team was assigned to do new media, which is rather interesting as neither me and my teammates specialize in new media. Nevertheless, we researched together and came out with the presentation.

Week 2 : 5/9/19
Today we learn about leadership traits of an art director. To let us better understand the topic, Mr. Kannan asked us to do our research and present it to the class. 

Later, we were more thoroughly briefed about our project. In short, we are required to produce an art direction for a game that we propose, and therefore our task for this week is to come up with a game proposal for the project.

Week 3: 12/9/19
In order for us to further understand the concept of RPG (Role Playing Games), each group was assigned to conduct their findings to be presented later in class. Below is the presentation of role playing game from my group:

Week 4: 19/9/19
This weeks class got canceled due to the haze condition. Nevertheless we are required to submit our final game proposal to TIMES. Below is the final proposal in pdf form:

Week 5: 26/9/19
For this weeks class we are required to determine our UI design for the game. We produced a few sketches for the general UI design for the game, and we are required to create a mock up for the game design.

Week 6 - Week 14

We continued with our proposal development, and Mr Kannan showed us a project managing website named Trello, and he adviced us to use Trello to manage and delegate our tasks. We continued with making amendments to the game and work on our final pitch bible throughout the next few weeks.

Below is our game proposal with all references before presenting:

After making organizing and compiling all our works, this is our final art bible:



Week 1 
Mr. Kannan advised us to not read through the slides and be confident throughout the presentation, he also commented that we should not rely too much on google slides as the internet might not be working each time. 

Week 2
Mr. Kannan say that the presentation was okay, and continued to encourage us to not look at the slides while doing our presentation.

Week 3
In general, Mr. Kannan thinks that the presentation is well done but we need to have a more detailed description and visuals to present our proposal. 

Week 4
This weeks class got canceled due to haze.

Week 5
Miss Annis thinks that our sketch for the UI design is fine, but we need to implement our art style to the UI design in order to see if it fits well with the art style.

Week 6 - Week 14
We showed the lecturers our progress for the next few weeks and they seemed satisfied with what we have. We faced a small challenge when creating the environment for the game, and Miss Annis suggested that we can try out one of the Nvidia websites that allows users to turn their works from 2D to 3D. Mr Kannan also gave us tips on drawing and creating a character for the game, which had helped us for our development of the art direction of the game.


Week 2
I learn that being a leader is easy, but being a GOOD leader would require one to be able to not just take up the responsibility of a leader, but also understand how to communicate well with their co-workers, and be able to strategically think of a solution when problems occur.  

Week 3
I noticed that creating an art direction is not as easy as I thought. It requires a lot of thinking and brainstorming in the process, and at times we have to provide a solid explanation in terms of the choices made for the art direction to convince people.

Week 4
We did not have class this week due to the haze.

Week 5
I realize that when designing the UI for a game, there's a lot to take into consideration. For example, we have to ensure that the UI designed works well with the art style that the game is implementing. In addition, I have also understood that cooperation and communication is very important when working in a team in order to be able to deliver the ideas clearly to one another.

Week 6 - Week 14
After working on the art bible for the remaining weeks, it made me realize how important it is to delegate tasks between members and how to coordinate the flow of the work as a team. Looking at the final outcome made me feel accomplished and I know that I could not have done that without my teammates, Zoe and Azmina. All of us utilize our own strengths to the fullest and I am proud of our work. We manage to sort out our own differences and worked together as a team.


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