DPI- Final Project

Lee Yu Hui | 0335787
Digital Imaging and Photography
Final Project

Cinemagraph- Surrealistic Parallax
For our final project, we were assigned to recreate a surrealistic painting in cinemagraph form, but we were also given the choice to come up with our own theme. 

Firstly, I search for reference image online. I found a few interesting ones, and I stumbled across one that I find really funny and interesting. It's a painting by Rene Magritte called The Beautiful Relations.

Painting by Rene Magritte.

I like how the face was floating in the sky so randomly accompanied by a yellow hot air balloon, and so I decided to recreate this painting.

I looked for some images online, and place them together in the canvas.

Using masking and recoloring, I manage make it look somewhat similar to the original picture, what's left is color scheme part. Before doing this in Photoshop, I already have a rough idea of how I'm going to animate it. I thought of making the eye blink and make the hot air balloon float with the clouds. My friend told me that we could use stock videos online, and so that is what I did with the eye blinking part. I found a video with an eye blinking, and I masked it in Photoshop.

I manage to found a YouTube tutorial online showing us how to do cinemagraph in Photoshop. I didn't knew this was possible as I thought Photoshop is used for still images only. I actually didn't knew this until one of my friend told me about it.

After changing some colors and play around with a few filters, I exported the video in Photoshop, and decided that I'll animate the clouds and the hot air balloon in After Effects.

Man, After Effects interface is really confusing and because it has a lot of tools, it makes it harder for me to find a certain tool in the software. However, I feel like animating in After Effects is definitely much more convenient, and I would really like to learn more about After Effects as I wanted to learn about cinematography in the future, mastering after effects would really help. 

After I finish exporting my videos in AE, this is my final result!



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