Typography - Final Project
Lee Yu Hui | 0335787
Final Project
Lecture Notes
Week 10 - 31/10/2018
We didn't have lecture this week as Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul is briefing us about our final project.
Week 11 - 7/11/2018
We did not have lecture this week as it was an e- learning week.
Week 12 - 14/11/2018
We didn't have lecture this week. We were given time to do our final project
Week 13- 21/11/2018
We didn't have lecture this week.
Final Project (Week 10- Week 14)
Poster Design
For our final project, we were asked to do something slightly different from the previous semesters, which is to typographically design a social message relevant to the campus community at Taylor's University. (i.e. Smoking: Choose life not Tobacco)
So first, I think about the slogan that I wanted to do and express. I decided that I want to do a poster about littering. After giving some thought, I decided to do the slogan: Think before you litter.
I first made a few designs and alter them based on Mr. Vinod's feedback.
Figure 1.0 My initial designs.
However, after letting Mr. Vinod view my work, he said that I was too reliant on the graphics of the rubbish, so I had to try to make adjustments to it. However, I kind of like the work "Think" in red, as it stands out a lot, and I think it definitely will catch the viewers eye. The upside down "i" also acts like a exclamation mark to warn the viewers, which I think is a huge plus.
Figure 1.1 Other attempts on the poster design
After showing to Mr. Vinod, he asked me to start over with the sketches as the hierarchy and the composition is not working. I was kind of lost and gotten pretty frustrated at this point, since I did not know what's considered "good" in typography design until Mr. Vinod showed me this:

Figure 1.2 Sample image that Mr. Vinod showed me.
I then decided to take inspiration from that and make a different design from what I previously did.
Figure 1.3 Poster design after taking advise from Mr. Vinod.
However, this wasn't enough. I still have things that I needed to work on. After showing this to Mr. Vinod, he suggests that I delete the background and increase the size of the texts. He also advised me to remove the "dumpster" graphics, so after making a few adjustments this is what I get:
Figure 1.4 Poster design after refining.
I then showed the work to Mr. Vinod during class, and he helped me on making a few detailed adjustments, and this is my final design!
Figure 1.5 My final poster design.
Now, moving on to the animation part! For the animation part, I have a few ideas of what I wanted to do. I told my ideas to Mr. Shamsul and he told me that I could work on the thinking bubble animation, and so, I did it.
Figure 1.6 My animation process.
Figure 1.7 My initial animated gif
Figure 1.7 My initial animated gif
After showing this to Mr. Vinod, he and Mr. Shamsul both thinks that I should try to make it fade out to look more like a thought, so I made some adjustments according to their feedback.
Figure 1.8 My final outcome.
Week 10
I didn't get feedback on my final project on that week since we were just briefed about it. However, Mr. Vinod and Mr. Shamsul did give feedback on my project 1.
Week 11
We didn't have any feedback this week due to e-learning week.
Week 12
For my first few designs, Mr. Vinod said that my poster is over reliant on the graphical images of the rubbish. He advised me to express my message throught letter forms.
Week 13
Mr Vinod told me to change the layout of the texts to make it look less serious, and he also helped me with adjusting the layout a bit to make it look better. He then asked me to think of something to put in the negative spaces to prevent it from looking too blank.
Week 10
Today's class is somewhat laid back and less stressful in compared to the previous weeks. However, knowing that there's a final project in hand, I can't help but feel a little stressed. Mr. Vinod showed us how to use FontLab 5 to create fonts, and I thought it was quite interesting as we could really make our own fonts and directly generate from that software.
Week 11
We were having e-learning week at home.
Week 12
It was a bit hard to come out with a poster with using letters as our main thing to express the message that we were trying to send. I had fun finding out ways to design though.
Week 13
This week was full of sleepless nights and a huge amount of stress. I initially was having a hard time trying to reach Mr. Vinod's expectations, as my initial designs were quite bad. After making lots of adjustments, I was glad that Mr. Vinod finally approved my work.
Week 10
I noticed that most of my classmates were kind of in a really tired mood today as we're all trying to hand in our assignmets.
Week 11
We were having e-learning week at home.
Week 12
I noticed a lot of people had a nice headstart on their posters and it made me kind of stressed.
Week 13
I noticed that some people really came out with new and interesting ideas, which sets me in awe of their work. I can tell the lecturers were also getting as stressed and tired as us as they had to deal with more than 50 students.
Week 10
I noticed that it was easier to create our own font than what I expected as I initially thought that we had to go through coding process to make our own font.
Week 11
We were having e-learning week at home.
Week 12
I noticed that it wasn't as easy to create a poster using letter forms to express the message though. Like Mr. Vinod said, we find it hard it's because we were used to visually express our work, hence when it comes to express our work using letter forms, it'll be difficult to do and master. We had to utilize what we learned before and combine it together in this final project.
Week 13
I noticed that I hadn't really develop an eye for typography. I think the reason why is it so hard for me to understand typography is that I don't know what looks good in typography and what does not, hence it was hard for me to do the assignments as I didn't know what's the standard of a "good artwork" in typography.
Further Readings
The Fundamentals of Typography
Week 10
Book Cover
Like the title, this book is exactly what the title is. It covers the fundamentals of typography, and while it has terminology in it, it also included nice examples and different works from other people, which makes people easy to understand the context and could grasp the idea easier.
Chapter 2: A few basics
The page - how we read
Design can be complex when many items are used on the page or screen at the same time. Different typographical elements are included in layouts for their aesthetics qualities and legibility. When creating a layout, thought needs to be given to how a user, reader or viewer will apporach the task of obtaining information from the design.
Contrary to what one may think, small text can encourage active reading in contrast to large text that can encourage skim reading. Display size can turn text into an 'object' that people see but do not read.
Examples of large text vs small texts.
The 3D Type Book
Week 11

Book Cover
First of all, I think the book cover is very interesting and fun. It attracts my attention almost at an instant. I like how they place a shoe in a book cover. In this book, they basically show how typo designs are used in a everday life and how they use it in designs outside books and digital art, which is actually kind of fun to read and go through.
How people use clothes to form words
How people use books to create different alphabets
How tiles can form words.
Exploring Publication Design
Week 12
Chapter 4: Understanding Type
Type as Line, Shape, and Texture
In a cover or page design, type works as a design element. As a result, all of the principles that guide decision making in a design composition also apply to typography. How to style type, what typeface to use, as well as its size and color are all dictated by the overriding principles of hierarchy, proximity, contrast, balance and scale.
In a typographic composition, large letterforms or text blocks often serve as shape, whereas single lines of text form linear elements in a layout. A publication designer uses contrast, scale, and proximity in the manipulation of graphic space to create a balanced layout.
Week 12
Book Cover
Type as Line, Shape, and Texture
In a cover or page design, type works as a design element. As a result, all of the principles that guide decision making in a design composition also apply to typography. How to style type, what typeface to use, as well as its size and color are all dictated by the overriding principles of hierarchy, proximity, contrast, balance and scale.
In a typographic composition, large letterforms or text blocks often serve as shape, whereas single lines of text form linear elements in a layout. A publication designer uses contrast, scale, and proximity in the manipulation of graphic space to create a balanced layout.
Examples of letterform designs
Mastering Type
Week 13

Book Cover
Chapter 6: Page
Gestalt Theory
Gestalt is a form of psychology that focuses on cognitive behaviors. Designers are influenced by the visual percerptual aspect of this, particularly the theory that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The mind copes with the visual confusion of our everyday world by consolidating objects into groups in order to simplify input. Applying this theory to design creates unity within a piece.
Five design prnciples from the Gestalt theory:
-Figure/ Ground
Gestalt Principles in Typography
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